Filename: Revised: 03-jan-2008 Created: 04-oct-2007 Johnson Viking Valiant ---------------------- Modes: AM/CW Bands: 160 - 10 Meters Input Power: 200W-AM, 275W-CW VFO: Internal Power Supply: Internal Final Tube(s): 3ea. 6146 parallel Modulator: 2ea. 6146 push-pull New Price/Year: $349.50 kit/$439.50 wired/1956-62 Size: 11.5"h x 21.0"w x 16.25"d Approx. Weight: 83 lbs Johnson Viking I ---------------- Avoid. Has a funky, expensive tube Final Tube(s): 4D32 Modulator Tubes: 2 ea. 807 p-p Viking Ranger Parts (esp. transformers): ---------------------------------------- 01) "Hammond" / Ontario, Canada. 02) Peter Dahl (transformers) Expensive but he has the right xfrmrs for the Viking Ranger. Peter Dahl went out of business in December, 2007. Heil microphone (retro design): "Class-E rigs" (google): ------------------------ Nice sounding radios. Solid state kits. Other AM Transmitters (popular / good): --------------------------------------- Heathkit "DX-100" Globe King is a popular rig Suitable Receivers for the Viking Valiant Transmitter: ------------------------------------------------------ Collins - R390 (triple conversion, expensive) Hallicrafters S-40 (single conversion - already have one!) Hallicrafters BC-610 Transmitter (heavy metal / 400 lbs.): ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 04-nov-2007: Dow Key Relays: --------------- Nov 4, 2007 7:15 AM Steve Hobensack N8YE (stevehobensack ]at[ writes: Almost any double throw relay will work at HF (high frequency). Radio Shack sells plastic body relays that are about the size of an ice cube. I use them a lot for switching the antenna between the receiver and transmitter, plus mute the receiver, and key the transmitter all at the same time using a DPDT (double pole double throw) 12v coil relay. Key the relay coil with the PTT button or telegraph key. The Dow Key relays are completely enclosed in metal that prevents RF leakage and keeps the coax line at 52 ohms for the one inch or so lead dress at the relay contacts. This may be necessary at VHF, but not HF. Another Dow Key TYPE Relay: Crystal: Type HC6 crystal case (many of them at the Annex) to make a plug for the Dow Key relay. Coax: RG8X or "mini 8" Dummy load (paint can w/ transformer or mineral oil) Heathkit "Cantenna" (don't go higher than $40) Power rating of MFJ-949E tuner = 300W. 09-nov-2007: ------------ Bob Harrison (W2ICQ) says: Bring it up on a Variac to 90 volts when first turning it on. Change the power supply caps (higher uF and voltage ratings are OK) 2 in the High Voltage supply 2 in the Low Voltage supply Mode switch: with white dot insert See if VFO is working The "Chernobyl" resistor (2W) gets too hot. Take side cover off VFO, clip it out, drop wires through chassis and put terminal strip in there. Use 18k 5W resistor in place of it. Could pull the 2 866A rectifier tubes and check the transformers. There is 650 v, so be careful! Make sure the right fuses are in place. 09-nov-2007: ------------ Painting front panel: --------------------- W4PNT Re-paints (silkscreens entire) Viking front panels: DEE C ALMQUIST (W4PNT) 57 CHRISS CIR CRIMORA VA 24431 USA 540-249-3161 w4pnt ]at[ Dee is trying to get out of the business and recommended Chuck Hurley. Talked to both Dee and Chuck on the phone on 15-nov-2007. Chuck Hurley (K1TLI) Massachusetts 508-965-7400 email: scorebrd ]at[ Capacitor kit (includes caps made to look original): $45. Uses 1/8" solid plastic rod for the knob pointers in his restorations. VFO coupling - the dielectric material (wire?) is very fragile. Release from underneath. Chuck Hurley does the clear coat after he sends the panels out to a screen printer. Dee Almquist said there is no way to match 40 year old laquer by doing touch-up work. You have to do the whole thing. Dee used to charge $450 cabinet and panel. Chuck Hurley charges less. $350 for the front panel only. $? for the cabinet (he has never done a cabinet). Recommends: sand blast the cabinet, strip, prime, paint deep maroon. ---------------------------------------------------------- ################### The Quest Continues ###################